What Are N52 Rare Earth Magnets?


  What exactly is N52 Rare Earth Magnets?     Do y […]

  What exactly is N52 Rare Earth Magnets?


  Do you really need it? What are the potential challenges associated with this neodymium magnetic alloy?


  N52 is the abbreviation of neodymium magnet grade, and its energy product or BHMax is 52MGOe (MGOe stands for Mega-Gauss Oersteds). Due to the high-energy product of this material, some customers mistakenly specify N52 neodymium magnets, assuming that higher magnet grades will produce better performance, but this is not always the case. Although high-energy products are generally stronger than low-energy products, n52 magnet strength and (BH) Max are not the only criteria for selecting material grades. When determining the suitability of a particular magnetic alloy, in addition to the energy product, temperature, magnet geometry and the details of the entire application must also be considered.


  Many of our customers are surprised to find that the performance characteristics of the N52 may greatly exceed the required application specifications. N52 neodymium magnets are made of the most expensive one. In some cases, lower grade neodymium will provide sufficient performance at a significantly lower price. In other words, why pay for the performance of a high-end sports car when a four-door sedan is enough?


  Finally, assuming your application does require N52, please review your supplier carefully. The experience of one of our clients is a good example: our client requested to test materials claimed to be a competitor of 52MGOe. Our analysis shows that this material is equivalent to 33MGOe. The BH curve in the figure below highlights an unconventional inclination angle, indicating the presence of "impurities" in the magnetic alloy.


  Unfortunately, our client’s recent experience is not an isolated incident. Such stories happen every day, because overseas factories reduce costs in terms of quality to save costs, while distributors lack the resources to analyze the materials sent to customers. Usually, there are only certificates with rubber seals from unlicensed factories between customers and poor quality materials. Therefore, we test samples of each shipment, and our orders are accompanied by documents to prove that the customer is receiving a licensed neodymium magnet alloy that can be traced back to the patent holder. When a customer is unsure of which material to use or suspects quality issues, our comprehensive internal testing and analysis allows us to identify the types of materials available and to recommend the most suitable magnet (if a magnet is not currently used).


  Do you have questions about choosing the neodymium that is right for your application, or need to test to verify that you have indeed received the magnet alloy grade you paid for? If so, we can help.

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