Neodymium Magnet Or Ferrite Magnet?


  To determine the correct type of magnet, you must und […]

  To determine the correct type of magnet, you must understand what you need the magnet for. In order to avoid accidents afterwards, it is recommended to accurately define the purpose of the magnet, because there are also differences here. Therefore, one or the other model is more questionable, such as whether the magnet is resistant to high temperatures, or this factor is not necessarily related. The same is true for outdoor magnets, which are quite different from the magnets used in the office or at home.


  Therefore, it is worth knowing that ferrite magnets are cost-effective and, on the other hand, can withstand high temperatures up to 250 degrees. This type of magnet is recommended for external surfaces, but not for internal areas where aesthetics may be more important than magnetic strength. The advantage of neodymium magnet is its strong adhesion. Therefore, they are ideal when there is no large area available, you need to save space and the magnet should contain multiple flakes at a time. These magnets are usually coated, making them easy to customize and adapt to the decor of the room.


  The difference between neodymium magnets and ferrite magnets


  In contrast, neodymium magnets of the same size as ferrite magnets have higher strength, so it is recommended to use them when space is limited. The adhesion of neodymium magnets is ten times stronger than that of ferrite magnets. However, the latter is cheaper, but the price is also more stable, because rare earth elements are not used in its processing, and the price fluctuates greatly. In addition, ferrite magnets can be used at temperatures ranging from -40 degrees to 250 degrees Celsius, while neodymium magnets lose their magnetism at temperatures above 80 degrees.


  Another interesting difference is that ferrite is chemically resistant and suitable for outdoor use, while neodymium is not. Neodymium breaks easily, while ferrite is much stronger and difficult to remove. Both magnets maintain their magnetic strength over time, and there is no reason to worry that they will lose it naturally. However, ferrite magnets are affected by stronger neodymium magnets and demagnetize. This process can also reverse your poles.

  As we have already pointed out, the ferrite has no coating and is gray. Therefore, they are not easy to decorate and adapt to interior design. Due to its nickel and copper-based coating, neodymium has a silver color and is perfectly integrated with decoration. Magnets near devices such as heart pacemakers or hearing aids can affect their function. If there is a risk of magnets coming close to such devices, we recommend using ferrite magnets because they are not as strong as neodymium magnets.

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