Mar Cobalt Magnetization Options


  The most useful commercial magnets are anisotropic, w […]

  The most useful commercial magnets are anisotropic, which means they have a "relaxed" or preferred magnetization direction and an orientation field is applied during the compaction stage of the manufacturing process.


  Except for the orientation direction, it is basically impossible to magnetize the resulting anisotropic magnet alloy. However, various magnetic pole configurations can be realized without conflicting with the direction of the magnet material.


  Disc geometry


  Polar nomenclature: Usually, the arrow indicates the north pole of the magnet. For symmetrical geometries, there is no need to specify the position of a specific magnetic pole, but for asymmetrical geometries, it is very important to identify the position of a specific magnetic pole.


  Example: An axially magnetized disc magnet does not need to communicate about the position of the north pole, but a radial arc needs to communicate. It must be indicated whether the North Pole lies on the inner radius or the outer radius.


  Block magnet


  The geometry of a large magnet


  "Bulk magnets" or rectangular/square magnets have three potential directions.


  The block magnet can be polarized in any direction.


  Ring geometry


  The geometry of the ring magnet


  Radial magnetization:


  True radial magnetized ring


  Mar cobalt can provide radial orientation and magnetized ring, but there are many restrictions in alloy grade, outer diameter/inner diameter ratio, axial direction, length and so on. Special tools must be created and an upfront capital investment is required, which is an inhibitor whose cost is suitable for most applications.


  Approximate value of radial ring magnetization:


  Radial approximate ring includes approximate radial arc segment


  Mar cobalt magnets can be approximated by arc segments. However, in most cases, the magnet must be magnetized and assembled, and must bring great performance advantages to the application in order to absorb the cost.


  Like the "True" radial ring, the true radial arc is difficult to manufacture, but you can approximate it yourself.


  Arc geometry


  Axial magnetization arc


  Radial input/radial output:


  Real arc magnet


  The arc segment can be polarized as NORTH or SOUTH on the outer radius. (The pole with the opposite result will be on the "inner radius".)


  It is difficult to achieve true "radial" orientation during the pressure/alignment stage of manufacturing. Therefore, true radial NdFeB, Sa cobalt and ceramic magnet arcs are rare and specialized. (Approximations of realistic radially oriented radial arcs have been widely used in the industry.)


  Approximately radial arc magnet


  The approximate radial arc utilizes linear orientation/magnetization along the straight axis. The radial component decreases at the leading and trailing edges of the approximate radial arc.


  Real circumferential arc magnet


  The circumferential direction and magnetization are not suitable for arc magnets made of Sa cobalt. However, the magnetization geometry can be approximated.


  Approximately circular arc magnet


  The approximate radial arc utilizes linear orientation/magnetization along the straight axis. The radial component decreases at the leading and trailing edges of the approximate radial arc.

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